Non-Profit Board Excellence Model

(1 DAY)

This training walks you through the foundations that make a good board great. Just like your vehicle, you often get the best performance when it's taken in for a tune-up. For many who attend this training is a tune-up session that helps develop a healthy and growing board. It provides a platform to review a board at its best, identify root causes of success and discover areas of development.

  • Most people who join Non-profit boards have a real passion for the agency but no prior experience or training on effective Board Governance. They often pick up bad habits and then pass these to others. This training helps stop this cycle in its tracks and injects strength and professionalism into the Board practices. 

  • This interactive training comes complete with a full manual with topics that include:

    • Reviewing your current board

    • What makes a board complacent?

    • Governance culture and values

    • Clarifying board and staff roles

    • 3 hats that every board member wears

    • Governance functions of a non-profit board

    • 5 key questions every board member asks

    • Board size & frequency of meetings

    • The 5 W’s of board membership

    • Board profile for the selection of new directors

    • Board orientation and training

    • Role of the Non-profit board chair

    • What is a board-oriented Executive Director?

    • The ED–Chair partnership

    • What do board members do between meetings?

    • What problems can be solved with a BPM? (Board Policy Manual)

    • Hierarchy of board policies

    • Two kinds of votes by non-profit boards

    • Non-profit committee effectiveness

    • The board development committee

    • Evaluate board, directors and ED

    • Good board meetings and deliberation

    • Role of the board in strategic planning and fundraising

    • Improving governance through technology

    • Overview of Principles and Practices that work

    • Understanding that board and staff have different yet complementary roles

    • Danger signs of an unhealthy board

    • How to have productive board meetings

  • Anyone serving on a non-profit board or considering serving on a board as preparation. Organizational staff are encouraged to attend to fully understand the role the board plays in the organization. This helps to manage expectations. Also Executive Directors or CEO of non-profit boards.

$655 + HST/PP

Optional but Highly Recommended -  Non-Profit ONLINE Board Assessment Tool

Ratings in the past 17 years, between 90.5 % and 96% approval.

The Nonprofit Excellence Training was a game changer for our board. Trainers facilitated activities and discussions that lead the board to have a clear understanding of their purpose and their value to the organization. As a result, board members came away motivated to steward the organization towards a future of greater impact, away from the rather narrow focus on fiduciary responsibilities, that is often provided in board development training.
— Christine Oldfield, Executive Director of 4-H Ontario
The Non-Profit Board Training is a must for all Boards. We learned so much. One of the best courses I have taken.

Well done! Well presented and inclusive in terms of covering fundamentals for new and more seasoned/experienced board members.
— April 2024 Feedback



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